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Is Dragon Year gonna be good for you - health wise? 🤔🤔

Is Dragon Year gonna be good for you - health wise? 🤔🤔

Each Animal Sign will fare differently in the year ahead - so know what to do and what not to do will ensure you glide through the year in the pink of health! 🙋🙋

SLIDE through the images below to see your Health Luck in 2024 🐉🐉 and let us know what you think in the comments below!

Happy Long Long Year!

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WellFam Update!

WellFam Update!

Exciting day with TEDxPetalingStreet! 🎉 Our Wellous team and awesome TEDx volunteers toured Parliament Malaysia, getting an insider look at the Dewan Rakyat.

We're proud to support TEDx's mission to share transformative ideas and inspire the community! 💪😀



不妨试试✨E-VITE 护眼宝,让你的眼睛来一场营养SPA!🌿

E-VITE护眼宝富含叶黄素、玉米黄质和虾红素等多种关键营养素,这些都是日常饮食中难以摄取的成分,能够有效保护双眼,抵御蓝光的侵害。🤩 而且,我们的叶黄素和玉米黄质含量完全符合美国验光协会的建议标准,让你安心无忧!

爱护眼睛要趁早~💗E-VITE 护眼宝给你的双眼最好的呵护!





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This Merdeka Day, let's celebrate the strength that unites us! From now until September 9, post a picture of your Wellous product and tell us why you love this product and how it empowers your day!

Have fun and be creative with it!