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Another LUCKY WINNER! Congrats!!
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Suggested For You
不妨试试✨E-VITE 护眼宝,让你的眼睛来一场营养SPA!🌿
E-VITE护眼宝富含叶黄素、玉米黄质和虾红素等多种关键营养素,这些都是日常饮食中难以摄取的成分,能够有效保护双眼,抵御蓝光的侵害。🤩 而且,我们的叶黄素和玉米黄质含量完全符合美国验光协会的建议标准,让你安心无忧!
爱护眼睛要趁早~💗E-VITE 护眼宝给你的双眼最好的呵护!
Imagine the weight of....
Imagine the weight of....
20 blue whales.
34,000 Elephants
850,000,000 Big Macs.
And that’s roughly the weight of food waste generated DAILY in Malaysia.
17,000 tonnes.
It's hard to digest but it’s true.
Recently, we worked together with TEDxPetalingStreet Adventure, Entomal, and Taylor's University Impact Lab to organize a fun but informative "Building a Community at Taylor’s University" - an event dedicated to raise awareness about biowaste treatment and organic by-product upcycling.
Interestingly, participants learned how Black Soldier Fly larvae, known as nature's waste warriors, consume organic waste, thus helping to mitigate the food waste issue organically.
This initiative is part of our long journey to support sustainability and community engagement.
保护视力,从现在做起!🌿 E-VITE 护眼宝,专为现代生活方式设计,富含高抗氧化成分,包括:XanMax® 叶黄素、玉米黄质和虾红素。这些都是日常饮食中难以获取足量的重要营养素哦! 😍
每天只需两颗 E-VITE 护眼宝,能够舒缓眼睛疲劳与干涩感,帮助保持视力清晰,让你远离视觉不适,享受更加舒适的生活体验!✨
Unveil your skin’s true potential with Femoire! 🌸 Infused with unique skin wonders like Pomegranate and Rose Placenta Extracts, Femoire Day & Night offer 24-hour protection and deep repair for your delicate skin 🌹.
Unveil your skin’s true potential with Femoire! 🌸 Infused with unique skin wonders like Pomegranate and Rose Placenta Extracts, Femoire Day & Night offer 24-hour protection and deep repair for your delicate skin 🌹.
Safe and easy to consume, just chew and sip daily. Femoire is here to revolutionize your skincare routine! Experience the difference and start your journey to radiant skin today! 💚✨
Are you travelling right now? Bring a bit of the world back with you.
Are you travelling right now? Bring a bit of the world back with you.
From Japan’s antioxidant-packed matcha to Australia's nutritious manuka honey, these superfood souvenirs will keep you healthy and energized wherever you go. 🥭🌿
Which one is making it into your suitcase next?
Hint: This product protects your lungs and respiratory system!
Make your guess below 😀 Have fun!
Femoire new day and night! Anyone tried?
Femoire new day and night! Anyone tried?
health is important
health is important
大家好! Imuglo to kick start my day! Happy Monday everyone! Jia you 😃😃
大家好! Imuglo to kick start my day! Happy Monday everyone! Jia you 😃😃